Our mission

“Shopping to improve the world”

When we buy something online, we want to pay the lowest price. That is why we are always looking for discount codes, promotions and offers. As soon as we have found a nice deal again, we are happy to share it with all other people who like bargains.

Our mission is to provide the most complete picture possible of discount codes and other promotions. This way you only have to go to our website to be sure that you have the best promotion for every webshop.

But, we do more than just list all the bargains.

About us

We donate to charities
With our discounts we ensure that you always pay the lowest price. We also think it is important to contribute to society. That is why we support a number of charities. If you have a proposal for a good cause, we would love to hear from you.

We have our own scholarship
Since this year we have our own scholarship, making it possible for you to study abroad. Within our company, many employees have an international background. We therefore know better than anyone how valuable a period abroad can be. Check out our homepage to find out how you can win this scholarship.

We have our blogger awards
We put the best bloggers in the Netherlands in the spotlight with our MrKortingscode.nl Awards. We love blogging (check out our savings blogs), so we’ve collected the best blogs by category. Do we miss your blog? Let us know!

We do all this as the largest independent discount code site in the Netherlands. Knowing more? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Save more money?

We also help you choose the cheapest health insurance policies. Therefore, look here on Compare Health Insurance to compare the best healthcare insurance with each other.